Sunday, May 24, 2020
Essay The Unethical of Euthanasia or Mercy Killing
The word euthanasia is taken from the Greek word ‘Eu Thanos’, meaning ‘good death’. Euthanasia involves an action carried out by a person other than the patient to end the life of the patient suffering from a terminal condition. This action is based on the belief that the act is putting the patient of their misery: this action has also been called mercy killings. There are a number of ethical concerns that arise when the terminally ill patient and healthcare providers decide on the best course of care for the dying patient. The definition of ethical is upright, honest, and compliant with accepted standards of social or professional behavior. Those people who think euthanasia is morally right believe that a terminally ill person has the†¦show more content†¦Healthcare providers may decide to euthanize an elderly patient just because they think the patient is going to die eventually because of their age. If we place the decision of life and death and healthcare provider’s hands it will lead to murder. Our society is working to educate individuals on the importance of seeking medical advice, getting blood work done and getting a yearly physical. However, one of the most important changes in recent years is the increasing emphasis insurance companies have placed on healthcare providers to control costs. Great discrepancy in access to care occurs, depending on the type and size of the system, source of payment for services, private versus public programs, availability of an accessibility to providers, individual preferences, and insurance coverage or ability to pay. The existing system continues to be oriented to treatment of acute or episodic conditions rather than the promotion of health and complete care. It would be cheaper for insurances if health care providers used euthanasia for those patients that are terminally ill instead of treating their illness. If euthanasia was legal healthcare providers would have to decide to do the right thing or make more money in treating patients with disabilities and incurably diseases. â€Å"Euthanasia, if it was legalized, could become a money maker tool for big HMOs, because drugs used in euthanasia would only cost aboutShow MoreRelatedEuthanasi Should It Be Legalized? Essay1125 Words  | 5 PagesEuthanasia â€Å"mercy killing†should it be legalized in New Zealand? Euthanasia debates aren’t new to the surface as people has been talking about it for more than a decade. One side of the issue is the government and other organizations that stand against legalising euthanasia as they thi nk it is unethical and would be considered as the other face to suicide. 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