Thursday, December 26, 2019
Robert Olen Butler is an author born in Granite City,...
Robert Olen Butler is an author born in Granite City, Illinois who won a Pulitzer Prize. In writing this short story, â€Å"Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot†, Robert Olen Butler writes about a character whose life revolves around his wife and is a compulsively jealous husband. In this story, the main character was a very jealous husband who dies because of the way he decided to deal with his wife’s cheating ways by climbing a tree and falling to his death, only to come back in life as a parrot and still have very strong feeling for his wife. The jealousy and suspicion that took over his human life has now taken over to his life as a parrot. The tone of the story is frustration and jealousy at which you can tell the tone from the very†¦show more content†¦The husband seemed very helpless without her in his life â€Å"When we held each other, I had no past at all, no present but her body, no future but to lie there and not let her go.†(Butler, 19 95, pg189). He was aware that his wife engaging in an affair with another man, but he accepted it because he was more fearful of losing her, even though he wanted to know he would never confront her with the truth. He knew he was a fool for her because he had to remind himself how he is not stupid and how he has to lock himself into the bathroom in order to hide his rage. His life was similar living as a human and a bird. As a human he locked himself inside the bathroom and as a bird he was locked inside a cage and in both situations he was unable to express how he feels because there was something always holding him back. The last thing he wanted was for his wife to hate him by bringing up other men she is having affairs with. The husband’s Behavior is what eventually leads to his death in both lives, he falls from a tree in his human life and dies and when he was a bird he had that same jealousy so when he seen his wife bring in multiple men he could not stand to see it an ymore so he tries to fly away from the house his wife and him once shared but end up falling and dying towards the end. As a result of the husband’s
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Political Factions, By Thomas Paine And James Chalmers
 ¬Though not entirely representative of their political factions, Thomas Paine and James Chalmers are major literary figures in describing loyalist and anti-loyalist sentiments in pre-revolutionary America. While Thomas Paine argued for America’s independence, James Chalmers counters the idea by proposing some of the possible negative consequences as well as down-playing the perceived necessity of declaring independence. The major points of contention in both of their arguments deal heavily with the outcome of the French and Indian War (Seven Years’ War) including the government actions that were imposed upon the American colonies as a result. By examining the way in which they interpreted these events, one can gain insight into their contrasting political and philosophical ideologies of pre-revolutionary America. Thomas Paine was a British-born citizen of Pennsylvania whose formal education ended at only thirteen years old, but he chose to educate himself in his free -time. He met Benjamin Franklin who then persuaded him to move to the colonies. He introduced his views of an independent Continent very shortly before the American Revolution, which heavily influenced many middle-of-the-road colonists. Common Sense is arguably his most influential work, and it was decidedly written in such a manner that the common folk could comprehend. In his famous pamphlet, he writes about government as a necessary evil, state of nature, the problems of monarchial systems of government, the
Monday, December 9, 2019
Shoplifting Is One of the Most Common Crimes free essay sample
Shoplifting is one of the most common crimes committed by teenagers. When you hear the word shoplifting, what do you think of? And what do you think about a person Photo credit: Warlito B. , Tamuning, GU who shoplifts? Everyone has their own opinion on whether shoplifting is wrong, depending on the situation, but I do not believe in situations. Shoplifting is a crime. It is illegal for a reason. There are no excuses for stealing. Sometimes life is so hard that the only way to get necessary items is to steal, but if the United States says it’s okay for people who cannot get help to steal, then it is saying that it is okay for everyone to steal. I am part of Youth Court, which works with teens under 16 who have committed misdemeanors. Almost every session has at least one kid being prosecuted for shoplifting. This is a serious problem. We will write a custom essay sample on Shoplifting Is One of the Most Common Crimes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I live in a town where the majority of the population is middle class. Why do people shoplift? This question will never be answered because no one really knows what drives people to commit crimes.There are theories, but no facts. Some of us use the excuse that kids steal because of peer pressure, but I believe that is bogus. You make your own choices, and don’t get pressured into doing anything. People are smart enough to know what is right and what is wrong. When teenagers get caught doing something they are not supposed to be doing, their general response is â€Å"It was peer pressure! †That is just an excuse. Teenagers believe that if they say this is the reason for their bad decisions, they will be in less trouble. This may be true when it comes to parents, but not when it comes to the judicial system.If you are caught, making excuses won’t help. You will get the same punishment, with or without the excuses. I think store-owners need to be more cognizant of their merchandise, especially in malls. I have seen teenagers stealing items from mall kiosks, which are easy targets because there is little security. Something needs to be done to ensure that teenagers stop stealing and learn discipline. The price of shoplifting is not free. Why risk getting caught and going to court? It is better to obey the law than to break it. Teenagers need to stick together and stop our peers from getting in trouble with the law. We need to take a stand!
Monday, December 2, 2019
Information Systems in Healthcare Essay Example
Information Systems in Healthcare Essay This system is used to help all the professionals In the building whether It be the hospital, clinic, or outside of the hospital for example the visiting nurses and hospice. You will read about the Healthcare facility, ho exactly uses the information stored in the Epic system, whom that can access the medical health information, about the system, and read about a women who shared her opinions and also, her own personal experience with the Epicure EMMER System. Healthcare Facility The facility is the Aurora Health Care Hospital in Kenosha, Wisconsin its a not-for- profit organization which was formatted in 1984 and now has branched off into 15 hospitals, 185 clinics in 80 communities throughout Wisconsin and northern Illinois with over 30,000 employees. The Aurora hospital In Kenosha serves a city population of approximately 168,000. While there are two other hospitals in the city of Kenosha the Aurora Hospital has the only S. A. N. E. Program and sees about 100 patients a year. This S. A. N. E. Program works on an outpatient basis with a room that is within the emergency room area. The room Is made up with pale green painted walls a nice love seat and pictures on the wall and then an exam table on the other side in the corner. The idea is to try to make the patients as comfortable as possible. Most of the Aurora hospital is working toward Magnet status and to meet all COACH standards. We will write a custom essay sample on Information Systems in Healthcare specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Information Systems in Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Information Systems in Healthcare specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Aurora Health Care-Kenosha has their Stroke Accreditation, Who uses this medical information? The portion of the Epic system that is access for the S. A. N. E. Program is very sensitive information and is therefore made so that only a very few can access this information. Medical records can be retrieved if the patients request it in writing and if its subpoenaed by the court or an attorney for a trial. Any S. A. N. E. May pull up the record to add something to her own charting or to review a chart that she has to testify in court on or for peer review by another S. A. N. E. Nurse. Admitting can only pull up the part of the EPIC chart that allows them to admit the patient and discharge hem in the system they are unable to see anything else to do with these types of patients. There is also a page in the EPIC record for billing that the billing people may pull up but like admitting they cannot open any other part of these EPIC records. The system is made with safe guards so only S. A. N. E. Nurses can open these records regularly. How is information access? All but a few consents are on the electronic EPIC system at Aurora for the S. A. N. E. Aerogram. Meanwhile the few paper consents that are still on paper are signed by the patient and then sent to medical records where they are scanned into the EPIC yester, so they can be seen along with all other records when needed. The electronic system of EPIC is on the desktop stations, handheld tablets, laptops, and on workstations on wheels (WOW). EPIC EPIC is a privately employee owned and held health care so ftware company founded in 1979 by Judith R. Faulkner. Originally, headquartered was in Madison, Wisconsin and then EPIC moved to nearby Verona, Wisconsin in 2005. EPICs market focus is the large health care organizations. EPIC offers an integrated suite of health care software databases. Their applications support functions are related to patient are, including registration and scheduling, clinical systems for doctors, nurses, emergency personnel, and other care providers in addition, systems for lab technicians, pharmacists, and radiologist and then billing systems for insurers. The Epicure EMMER is known for being fast and physician friendly, integrated access and revenue systems to simplify administration throughout the healthcare system. The one patient, one record approach improves care in the hospital, physician group and for the patient through access to their records via My Chart linking them to the same chart used by their doctor (Epic System Corporation, 2013). S. A. N. E. Exams until September of 2012 were all done on paper charts that took a great deal of time and work as they were about 16 to 18 pages long. In September 2012, Auro ras S. A. N. E. Program went live on EPIC with electronic charting and documentation for both records and anatomical drawings. Over half of the S. A. N. E. Nurses had never used electronic charting before and they all picked it up very fast with only a six hour class on how to use the system. The EPIC system is used to connect with the pharmacy to order medication so that they can pull them out and give them to the patients. They also connect to the lab so that they can order labs and x-rays as needed, and can connect with the admitting and billing departments so that all medical records are complete and patients are billed correctly for their support personnel with little problem to report (Order, 2013). EPIC has improved and made the exams run much smoother stated Donna Lee Order URN BBS SANE-A SANE-P program coordinator for Aurora Health Care- Kenosha. Donna felt that it had cut their exam times by an hour and a halloo two hours due to the fact that they didnt have to write out all of their paperwork. It has also been a great help to the law enforcement and the District Attorney to not have to try to read and figure out what th e nurses written on their reports due to different hand writing skills. With EPIC print outs on the computer it is easy to read and helps the process of going to court and making it so much easier. While Donna says there is still some problems with doing the anatomical drawings on the EPIC program they are learning the inns and outs and getting better every day at it. The company worked with the S. A. N. E. Program and their paper charts to set up the electronic program and anatomical drawings. They are planning on making a few changes this September 2013, for which they have found issues with but wanted to work with it for a year to find out all the little bugs first but states for the most part everyone is very pleased with the EPIC system (Order, 2013). Conclusion Aurora Healthcare went online with EPIC in September 2012. EPIC appears to be a user friendly system used by the physicians, nurse, and ancillary staff who all seem to be very pleased with the EPIC system after simply working out a few bugs that they had come across. The strengths of the program are the patients health information an be accessed by any healthcare provider at any site that is within the system. Plus, patients in Aurora can access their own information by going to my chart online giving the patient more access to their own healthcare information. The weaknesses they are finding is that every provider whether they are on a laptop, tablets, desktop stations or the moving work station (WOW) is that they are spending more of their time looking at screens instead of looking at the patient and making eye contact and giving them all of their attention. However, due to this issue of not being able to give attends their personal face time, some of the care providers have hired medical assistants who now follow them and do all of their dictations and typing so that they can continue to give their patients their full and up most attention and their personal face time the patients deserve.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
The 13th Warrior essays
The 13th Warrior essays Ahmed Ibn Fadlan is an Arab courtier who is sent to the barbaric north because he was seduced by a merchant's wife and was sent on an errand by the Caliph as a punishment. Soon, the Arab leaves the City of Peace and starts his travels to the city of Yiltawar. Soon, though, Ibn Fadlan, the pages and guides encounter trouble with the Oguz Turks, but escape death and continue their travels. When Ibn Fadlan is traveling along the Volga River, he comes into contact with the Norsemen, or the Vikings. He describes them as gigantic people carrying broad swords, axes, and daggers. The Northmen's leader, Wyglif had died, and a young noble named Buliwyf was chosen to be the new leader. Then, one of Buliwyf's kin, Wulfgar entered the camp and informed Buliwyf of a dread and unnamed terror that was terrorizing his father, King Rothgar, and his kingdom. Then the Angel of Death came in, and stated that Buliwyf and 12 other men had to go help, but the 13th warrior had to be foreign. It was stated that Ibn Fadlan was to go with the Vikings on their quest to save King Rothgar's kingdom. The 12 other warriors Ibn Fadlan were traveling with were, of course, Buliwyf the leader, Ecthgow, Higlak, Herger, Skeld, Weath, Rethel, Roneth, Halga, Helfdane, Edgtho, and Haltaf. Ibn Fadlan struggled at first to understand his comrades' Norse tongue but eventually after the long journey he learned to recognize and speak a little of it. The Northmen often made fun of Ibn Fadlan and his "clean ways" and his one god, Allah. The Vikings believed that there were many gods, including the all-powerful Odin who helped them in battle. During the long voyage, Ibn Fadlan befriends Herger, who can translate for him. After resting at the encampment at Trelburg, they depart. Upon arriving to their destination of the kingdom of Rothgar in the land of the Venden, they first enter a large hut filled with rotting, decapitated bodies of men, women, and child ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Introduction, Timeline and Advances of Ancient Mesopotamia
Introduction, Timeline and Advances of Ancient Mesopotamia Mesopotamia is an ancient civilization that took up pretty much everything that today is modern Iraq and Syria, a triangular patch wedged between the Tigris River, the Zagros Mountains, and the Lesser Zab River. Mesopotamia is considered the first urban civilization, that is to say, it was the first society which has provided evidence of people deliberately living in close proximity to one another, with attendant social and economic structures to allow that to occur peaceably. Generally, people speak of north and south Mesopotamia, most prominently during the Sumer (south) and Akkad (north) periods between about 3000-2000 BC. However, the histories of the north and south dating back to the sixth millennium BC are divergent; and later the Assyrian kings did their best to unite the two halves. Mesopotamian Chronology Dates after ca 1500 BC are generally agreed upon; important sites are listed in parentheses after each period. Ubaid Period [6500-4000 BC (Telloh, Ur, Ubaid, Oueili, Eridu, Tepe Gawra, H3 As-Sabiyah) Uruk Period [4000-3000 BC] (Brak, Hamoukar, Girsu/Telloh, Umma, Lagash, Eridu, Ur, Hacinebi Tepe, Chogha Mish)Jemdet Nasr [3200-3000 BC] (Uruk)Early Dynastic Period [3000-2350 BC] (Kish, Uruk, Ur, Lagash, Asmar, Mari, Umma, Al-Rawda)Akkadian [2350-2200 BC] (Agade, Sumer, Lagash, Uruk, Titris Hoyuk)Neo-Sumerian [2100-2000 BC] (Ur, Elam, Tappeh Sialk)Old Babylonian and Old Assyrian Periods [2000-1600 BC] (Mari, Ebla Babylon, Isin, Larsa, Asssur)Middle Assyrian [1600-1000 BC] (Babylon, Ctesiphon)Neo-Assyrian [1000-605 BC] (Nineveh)Neo-Babylonian [625-539 BC] (Babylon) Mesopotamian Advances Mesopotamia was first home to villages in the Neolithic period of around 6,000 BC. Permanent mudbrick residential structures were being constructed before the Ubaid period at southern sites such as Tell el-Oueili, as well as Ur, Eridu, Telloh, and Ubaid. At Tell Brak in northern Mesopotamia, architecture began appearing at least as early as 4400 BC. Temples were also in evidence by the sixth millennium, in particular at Eridu. The first urban settlements have been identified at Uruk, about 3900 BC, along with mass-produced wheel-thrown pottery, the introduction of writing, and cylinder seals.Tell Brak became a 130-hectare metropolis by 3500 BC; and by 3100 Uruk covered nearly 250 hectares. . Assyrian records written in cuneiform have been found and deciphered, allowing us much more information about the political and economic pieces of latter Mesopotamian society. In the north part was the kingdom of Assyria; to the south was the Sumerians and Akkadian in the alluvial plain between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Mesopotamia continued as a definable civilization right through the fall of Babylon (about 1595 BC). Of most concern today are the ongoing issues associated with the continuing war in Iraq, which has gravely damaged much of the archaeological sites and allowed looting to occur, as described in a recent article by archaeologist Zainab Bahrani. Mesopotamian Sites Important Mesopotamian sites include: Tell el-Ubaid, Uruk, Ur, Eridu, Tell Brak, Tell el-Oueili, Nineveh, Pasargardae, Babylon, Tepe Gawra, Telloh, Hacinebi Tepe, Khorsabad, Nimrud, H3, As Sabiyah, Failaka, Ugarit, Uluburun Sources Ãâ€"mà ¼r Harmansah at the Joukowsky Institute at Brown University is in the process of developing a course on Mesopotamia, which looks really useful. Bernbeck, Reinhard 1995 Lasting alliances and emerging competition: Economic developments in early Mesopotamia. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 14(1):1-25. Bertman, Stephen. 2004. Handbook to Life in Mesopotamia. Oxford University Press, Oxford. Brusasco, Paolo 2004 Theory and practice in the study of Mesopotamian domestic space. Antiquity 78(299):142-157. De Ryck, I., A. Adriaens, and F. Adams 2005 An overview of Mesopotamian bronze metallurgy during the 3rd millennium BC. Journal of Cultural Heritage 6261–268. Jahjah, Munzer, Carlo Ulivieri, Antonio Invernizzi, and Roberto Parapetti 2007 Archaeological remote sensing application pre-postwar situation of Babylon archaeological site- Iraq. Acta Astronautica 61:121–130. Luby, Edward M. 1997 The Ur-Archaeologist: Leonard Woolley and the treasures of Mesopotamia. Biblical Archaeology Review 22(2):60-61. Rothman, Mitchell 2004 Studying the development of complex society: Mesopotamia in the late fifth and fourth millennia BC. Journal of Archaeological Research 12(1):75-119. Wright, Henry T. 2006 Early state dynamics as political experiment. Journal of Anthropological Research 62(3):305-319. Zainab Bahrani. 2004. Lawless in Mesopotamia. Natural History 113(2):44-49
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Environmental Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Environmental Issue - Essay Example Mr. Brown thinks problems like global warming, soil erosion, water shortage and population growth should be addressed first; whereas, Mr. Paarlberg argues that aids directed to the betterment of education, agriculture, infrastructure development etc. will be sufficient to address the problem. Parties to the effort are also a subject of disagreement. Paarlberg thinks developed countries especially the US should take the initiative; whereas, Brown thinks all the counties together should make an effort to solve the problems like water-soil crisis, global warming etc. (Easton, 2011). In some respect both of them are right; but Mr. Brown is more right. For a sustainable and long term solution to the problem of food shortage soil condition and water condition of a region must be improved and global warming must be harnessed on a long term basis by â€Å"restoration of forest, soils and aquifers†. Poverty must be eradicated and population must be stabilized. For the last two efforts developing countries can use some foreign aids (Easton, 2011). 2. Genetically Modified Foods Scientists have found out a way to transfer genes from one living organism to another and give bacteria, plants, animals etc. new features. When similar modification is done in our sources foods like grains, fruits, vegetables or live stocks we get Genetically Modified (GM) food. ... Mr. Coleman argues that to meet the growing demand of food GM food is a solution; whereas, Mr. McDonagh thinks that the problem lies in distribution, not in demand-supply. Mr. Coleman claims that production of GM food requires less chemical and water, whereas yield is higher. Mr. McDonagh completely disagrees and said that though there is an initial saving of cost, the cost of producing GM foods increases after few years and there in no significant increase in yield. Mr. Coleman tries to argue that farming of GM corps for a continuous period of 10 to 12 years has produced no adverse effect on environment and human being; therefore it is harmless. Where as Mr. McDonagh thinks this period is too short to draw any conclusion (Easton, 2011). It is hard to accept Mr. Coleman’s argument and even harder to consume GM foods. Until now there is no real food shortage in the world; only distribution must be improved greatly. Land- reform, social equality and cheaper credit will improve t he distribution of food. Another point is: production of GM food will make us dependent on few big corporate and there is no guarantee that they will help the poor. Moreover, playing with god’s creation and questioning his might is not good (Easton, 2011). 3. Organic Farming Organic farming refers to a practice that utilizes natural, non synthetic nutrient cycling process; almost exclude synthetic pesticides; and sustain or regenerate soil quality. The practice may include cover crops, manure, compost, crop rotation etc. (Easton, 2011). The topic of debate is: â€Å"Can organic farming feed the world?†. Ms. Catherine Badgley says yes and Mr. John J. Miller says no. Badgley claims that organic farming has enough potential to produce sufficient
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
EMBA 555 Executive coaching discussion 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
EMBA 555 Executive coaching discussion 1 - Essay Example Just as the Week 1 lecture stated, other people reinforced what we thought we should be in our lives by repetition and instilling strong emotions in us, but these may have actually distracted us from the aspirations we had for ourselves and for which we should have strived. One of the obstacles that hinders us from discovering ourselves is other people’s opinions which are dispensed as truth or wisdom, and which affect us well into adulthood. Some parents tend to be quite hard on their kids in an attempt to mold them into good adults. Such discipline is good in some sense when it inspires children to strive harder and realize their capabilities. But when those people we look up to – parents, guardians, and role models – provide the wrong kind of influence or pressure, although they harbor the best of intentions, they are unaware that the young minds they seek to mold are actually hindered from discovering their true selves (Del Toro, 2009). Del Toro, M S (2009) Parental Discipline Styles: A Study of Its Effects on the Development of Young Adults at the University Level. Retrieved 25 March 2013 from
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Histology Detective and Brains Cape Essay Example for Free
Histology Detective and Brains Cape Essay This case study focuses on the identification of metastatic tissues  cells that are â€Å"out of place†causing tumors elsewhere in the body. Name the cells you identified in this sample of lung tissue and the main characteristics that you can use to distinguish them. From the observation of the sample there are variety of cells which can be identified as melanocytes. The main characteristics that can be used in distinguishing them is their attachment to the stratified squamous epithelial tissue. Moreover, they are larger and darker compared to the surrounding calls. Melanocytes are densely packed and have only one nucleus. How did you use the main characteristics of different tissues that you learned in your lecture and lab sections as the basis for identifying those cells responsible for the tumor? I applied my histology knowledge from my lectures in distinguishing the features of different cells. I had knowledge on how melanocytes and the natural cells look like on a slide hence it was very easy distinguishing and describing the cells. The cells under observations were abnormal from their look. They were larger in size, darker in color and round. Moreover. Their nucleus were larger compared to the other nucleus of the normal cells and has less cytoplasm. The melanocytes on the slide is always darker compared to the normal cells. According to Garbe et al (2010), there exists significant differences between the tumor cells and the native cells since the tumor cells are widespread in the extracellular fluid, are larger, much darker and more so cube shaped. On the other hand, the native cells are packed densely, smaller, and elongated. In addition to the information in the case presentation (including the web sites contained in the case itself), what other information did you find to determine the identity of the cells and whether one type of cell had migrated from elsewhere in the body? Where did you find this information? What does each of these additional items contribute to the solution of the case? For example, the item contains data from specific tests, trials, or experiments, or presents analyses that can be used to understand the main issues in this case. The article â€Å"Diagnosis and treatment of melanoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline†provided experimental illustrating melanoma components. This affirmed that native cells can be differentiated from the invasive cells by features such as arrangement, form and color. The study used histology in identifying the invasive cells from the non-invasive ones (Garbe et al, 2010). In the NIH article, â€Å"Diagnosis and treatment of early melanoma,†majorly the study was based on histology. The study distinguished fully developed melanoma and the early melanoma by categorizing their histological features. Moreover, they identified melanoma stages and different types of melanoma with application of histology (NIH et al, 1992). In the third study, researcher physicians in two universities in three different melanoma cases of various origins in the body. However, all the characteristics of the abnormal cells were distinguished to be melanocytes. The identified abnormal features of the cells are similar to the ones in this case study, hence proving that the abnormal cells observed in the lung tissue were melanocytes (Sonda et al, 2008). What other findings or information in this case are consistent with the information you located? Name those similarities in each of your additional resources. How do these resources apply what you have learned about identifying tissues and cells histologically? From the article I reviewed, there was similarity with the case study in many areas. First, all the studies and the case used a similar method in diagnosing melanoma. They applied the cells histological characteristics in determining their status whether they are noninvasive or invasive cells. The characteristics identified helped in classification of the cells and in determining their origin. What findings or information in each of the additional resources are not consistent with the findings in this case? Name those differences in each of your additional resources. How do these resources apply what you have learned about identifying tissues and cells histologically? In the article â€Å"Diagnosis and treatment of early melanoma,†the study asserted that the cells making melanoma were the stratified melanoma epithelium (NIH et al, 1992). This contradicts the results of the case If your proposed resolution of the case is correct, what other observations might we expect to find in this case? Other observations we might find include metastasis of the tumor to other organs hence the patients could suffer from other compounded problems like neurological problems, digestion and bleeding. Give your solution to this case and, on a scale of 1–5, rate how confident you are in your conclusions in questions 1 and 2 I would rate my confidence at 5 out of 5 because of the observable characteristics of melanoma In considering your resolution and level of confidence level from question 8, describe how you located the information you used in this case. To begin the search, I started with the most comprehensive data base that is Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (NINAH) (Kennedy 2009). The search then continued to search engines such as British Nursing Index, MEDLINE. Moreover PubMed and NCBI were other major search engines which assisted some of the relevant articles. These search engines were used because they contained most of the peer review articles and books. To limit and narrow down the search for articles, internal searches of the databases was used by inserting full length of texts and searching the relevant articles from the list of journals displayed. Moreover, I limited myself to the current articles of up to 5 years What you might do differently if you had it to do over again? For example, would you use different resources and strategies? Different information?First, I would use different relevant articles to make companions of different studies. Moreover, I would try using group work to get opinions and arguments of different group member. References Garbe, C., Peris, K., Hauschild, A., Saiag, P., Middleton, M., Spatz, A., Grob, J. J., Eggermont, A. (January 01, 2010). Diagnosis and treatment of melanoma: European consensus-based interdisciplinary guideline. European Journal of Cancer, 46, 2, 270-283. Retrieved from, J. R. (2009). Library research guide to education: illustrated search strategy and sources. Ann Arbor, Mich, Pierian Press.NIH Consensus Development Conference on Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Melanoma, National Institutes of Health (U.S.). (1992). Diagnosis and treatment of early melanoma. Bethesda, Md: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service, Office of Medical Applications of Research. Retrieved from, Vemon K., MD, Zager, Jonathan S., MD, Messiana, Jane L., MD. Hemonc today. (2008, Oct 10). Retrieved from 37772 Source document
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Early Christianity Essay -- History Religion Jesus Christ
The earliest recorded text teaching Christianity has its roots buried deep within Judaism. The birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as the Messiah, created a new ideology of worship. The Messiah is the savior for all people and of all sins. Paul carried the message of the Messiah to the Gentiles. His missionary journeys and establishment of churches enabled the spreading of the message throughout the Roman Empire. Christianity grew in acceptance; those that believed in the Messiah separated and began to worship on their own. This marked the beginning of the split of Judaism and Christianity. Christianity experienced many pitfalls along the path to fulfillment. As in history, today we find ourselves learning Christ’s lessons all over again. The earliest Christian worshipers endured many hardships not experienced by society today. These differences in science, technology, and lack of practicing our beliefs have caused a rift between early Christianity and Christianity today. Christianity borrows many aspects from Judaism. The Old Testament Hebrew Scriptures were used in the early teachings, however the Christian believers interpreted the scriptures in a different manner. This interpretation leads to a fundamental shift in ideology between Jews and Christians. In addition to scripture, Christianity adopted many worship rituals practiced within the Jewish synagogue; such as prayers, baptisms, and communion. Christianity of today still practices these sacred ritu...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Evaluation for Firebirds Wood Fired Grill Essay
Eating out is a treat for me. I occasionally call up some family and/or friends and treat myself to a nice dinner. There are many restaurants in my hometown of Charlotte, North Carolina to choose from, but there is one in particular where I love to spend my hard earned money. Firebirds Wood Fired Grill located at Northlake Mall Dr. has become my new favorite place to dine for dinner on the weekends. Firebirds have the three qualities I look for when I visit a restaurant for the first time: great ambiance, excellent service and good food.The atmosphere of a restaurant sets the mood for any dining experience. Owner Dennis Thompson created a well-defined gap between casual and fine dining. The aura of Firebirds is meant to imitate that of a ski lodge in Aspen. Warm lighting, complimented by fire colored chandeliers, gives this restaurant a nice tone for an engaging conversation with your significant other or some good laughs with some friends or family. Firebirds, also has a separate lounge area for those who just want to go straight to happy hour after work. I call this area, â€Å"the kick back and let your hair down section†. The beautiful stone fireplace, the wall of 500 bottles of wine, and the beautiful bold color seating sets the mood for a great evening out with coworkers after work or a place to have a drink and appetizer after shopping in the mall. Valet, Hostesses and Servers are all apart of Firebirds seamless service. The Valet does a great job with promptly parking and retrieving my car. Hostesses are always in place as you walk in so that you won’t have that confused look wondering if you seat yourself or wait for assistance. The servers are very professional and polite. They are able to answer questions about menu items while waiting patiently for you to complete your order. I love the fact that they are prompt with getting your appetizers out to you well before my entrà ©e. They were also attentive to refilling my glass when it was getting low. Entrà ©es are prepared nicely and cooked to your liking. If you’re not satisfied the servers have no problem with taking it back immediately for correction. The cook and the manager come to your table and make sure your meal is superb.Based on the name, one might assume that Firebirds is a steakhouse concept, but steaks are only half of the menu. Firebirds menu have a good level of diversity. You can get anything from a big juicy burger to a lobster dinner. This upscale restaurant can be a little pricey compared to other bar and grill places, but it’s worth it. To start, I love to get the lobster queso dip and chips and their famous onion rings for my appetizers. Firebirds steaks are pretty good, but I prefer the salmon with light seasoning. My most favorite meal at Firebirds is a salad, yes a salad. The Strawberry and Shrimp salad is simply delicious, besides the obvious it has spiced pecans, goat cheese crumbs and jicama tossed in a homemade vinaigrette dressing. This salad packs a lot of flavor and is quite fulfilling. I may call up my girls on Friday and pay Firebirds a visit.Every dining experience I’ve had with Firebirds has been persistent. The complimentary valet parking is greatly appreciated especially since the restaurant is connected to North Lake Mall. The atmosphere in Firebirds is inviting, the service is great and the food is delicious. What more do you need in a restaurant? Perhaps live entertainment on Friday evenings wouldn’t be such a bad idea though.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Mba Spring2011 Merck Sample Group Project
DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY (MBA – Spring 2011) Strategic Management Case Study Executive Summary:3 Current Vision4 Current Mission4 Values5 Current Strategies:6 Developed Vision7 Developed Mission7 Reason for new mission8 SWOT Analysis9 External opportunities:9 External Threats:10 Financial and Operating Performance Analysis11 Close Competitors11 Ratio Analysis11 Key Industry Ratios14 Operating Profit margin14 Net Profit margin14 Current Ratio14 Return on Assets15 Debt/Equity Ratio15 Inventory Turnover Ratio15 Revenue Growth16 Market Share16 Internal Strengths16Internal Weakness20 External Factor Evaluation Matrix21 Competitive Profile Matrix23 Internal Factor Evaluation24 Space Matrix27 SWOT Matrix29 Grand Strategy Matrix31 Recommended Strategies31 Recommended strategy No. 1:31 Recommended strategy No. 2:32 Projected Financial Statements33 Projected Ratios34 Company worth Analysis34 Annual Objectives:35 Strategic Review and Evaluation Procedures:35 Bibliography:36 Executive Su mmary: Merck & Co. is a research driven pharmaceutical company involved in manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and drugs.Merck's products are not limited to preventive and therapeutic vaccines. Merck merged with Schering-Plough in November of 2009 for $41billion. Merck is based in Whitehouse Station, New Jersey and has more than 110000 employees. The company has a annual revenue of $45billion during the year ending December 2010. The increase in revenues was mainly due to the incremental sales resulting from the inclusion of the post-merger results of Schering-Plough products. The operating profit of the company was $1,653. 0 million during FY2010, a decrease of 90% over 2009.The net profit was $859 million in FY2010, an increase of 93% over 2009. Merck’s products include preventive and therapeutic vaccines sold by prescription to treat human disorders and to also treat animal health. The company manages many products in different segments. Human health pharmaceutical produc ts consist of prescription therapeutic and preventive agents for the treatment of human disorders. Merck distributes its human health pharmaceutical products to retailers, government, drug companies, health and wellness organizations, and others.Merck's vaccine products are primarily managed and administered at physician offices. These products include preventive vaccines. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Vaccines for Children program is a major customer for some of these vaccines. Merck also manages a clinical pipeline that has products in many different disease domains not limited to diabetes, heart strokes, hyper-tension, inflammatory problems, neurology related diseases, osteoporosis, respiratory, female health and many other prominent and new domains.This pipeline is managed in phases followed by a few ready for registration. Majority of these are subject to FDA approval before commercial manufacturing commences. Merck also manages vaccines for animal health an d this is a growing segment where there is more need for research for prevention of many diseases in animals. In addition to the above many different segments, Merck also manages a portfolio of regular consumer healthcare and manufactures many OTC products, foot and sun care products not just in the USA but also in Canada. Current VisionWe make a difference in the lives of people globally through our innovative medicines, vaccines, and consumer health and animal products. We aspire to be the best healthcare company in the world and are dedicated to providing leading innovations and solutions for tomorrow. (1) Current Mission To provide innovative, distinctive products and services that save and improve lives and satisfy customer needs, to be recognized as a great place to work, and to provide investors with a superior rate of return. (1) | Mission Component| Accomplished? | 1| Customers| No| | Products or Services| Yes| 3| Markets| No| 4| Technology| No| 5| Concern for survival, gro wth and profitability| No| 6| Philosophy| No| 7| Self-Concept| No| 8| Concern for public image| Yes| 9| Concern for employees| Yes| Values Our business is preserving and improving human life. We also work to improve animal health. All of our actions must be measured by our success in achieving these goals. We value, above all, our ability to serve everyone who can benefit from the appropriate use of our products and services, thereby providing lasting consumer satisfaction.We are committed to the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We are responsible to our customers, to Merck employees and their families, to the environments we inhabit, and to the societies we serve worldwide. In discharging our responsibilities, we do not take professional or ethical shortcuts. We are dedicated to the highest level of scientific excellence and commit our research to improving human and animal health and the quality of life. We strive to identify the most critical needs of consumers and cust omers, and we devote our resources to meeting those needs.We expect profits, but only from work that satisfies customer needs and benefits humanity. This depends on maintaining a financial position that invites investment in leading-edge research and that makes it possible to effectively deliver the results of that research. Our ability to excel depends on the integrity, knowledge, imagination, skill, diversity and teamwork of our employees. To this end, we strive to create an environment of mutual respect, encouragement and teamwork. We also strive to reward commitment and performance and be responsive to the needs of our employees and their families. 1) Current Strategies: * The Access Strategy aims at increasing access to medicines, vaccines, and healthcare in the emerging and developed countries. * To ensure safety and quality of products, Merck introduced a ‘Anti-counterfeiting’ strategy to prevent counterfeits across the world. Merck has setup an advanced laborato ry to implement this strategy.* To restore confidence as a quality producer of global vaccines, Merck continues to implement vaccine supply manufacturing strategy. * Merck continues to implement its global diversity strategy. * Merck’s research strategy is designed to mprove productivity and the probability of success and this is monitored by a Research Strategy Review Committee. * The most popular MRL strategy i. e. Merck Research Laboratory strategy is designed to manage the pipeline that uses the expertise to treat many unsolved diseases and health issues. MRL scientists are passionate about resolving and meeting unmet medical needs. * Merck established External Basic Research (EBR) and an EBR strategy are formulated to expand the scope and size of Merck’s early pipeline through partnerships with external partners. * Merck follows a responsible pricing policy thru its worldwide tiered pricing strategy. To foster health literacy in Switzerland, Merck follows the Swis s e-health strategy and as part of this strategy, they work with universities around the world. * Merck formed a Global Labor Relations Strategy to include global labor guidelines and principles and monitoring tools worldwide.* Merck energy management strategy serves as a useful framework in measuring current performance resulting in Merck receiving the Energy Star sustained excellence award. * Merck’s corporate strategy is â€Å"Plan to win†. * Merck has a supply strategy that combines the skills of internal and external manufacturers. (1) Developed Vision Our vision is to be an outstanding and most trusted company in the world’s healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. †Developed Mission We are passionately committed to providing creative, comprehensive and effective health solutions (2) that will improve the health, wellness and quality of life of our customers (1), consumers and partners around the globe for today, tomorrow and forever thru our continu ed superior performance, intelligent and creative employees (9), innovative and qualitative safe products, sustainable and profitable partnerships and by building increased shareholder returns thru this process.We will focus on increasing healthcare access (6) in the local and emerging markets (3) and will strive to use modern environment friendly technology(4) for our scientific innovation to improve productivity and to reduce costs to make our products more affordable. We will serve the society and the eligible people (8) with programs that will provide free and cost effective health solutions. We will collaborate with global research companies to lead and contribute to the resolution of global health issues (7) and we will position ourselves as the best in the industry with sustainable prosperity(5). Mission Component| Accomplished ? | 1| Customers| Yes| 2| Products or Services| Yes| 3| Markets| Yes| 4| Technology| Yes| 5| Concern for survival, growth and profitability| Yes| 6| P hilosophy| Yes| 7| Self-Concept| Yes| 8| Concern for public image| Yes| 9| Concern for employees| Yes| Reason for new mission The current mission is not exciting and does not emphasize on all the key components of an effective mission. The new mission emphasizes on health solutions as a whole versus products and services only. The new mission is targeted towards the wellbeing of the end consumer and not just to save the life.The focus is specifically mentioned to be in all markets including the emerging markets. Modern environment friendly technology will be used to develop safe products that are not counterproductive to the wellbeing of the end consumer. The needy people will be served with effective solutions and the new mission passionately suggests sustainable prosperity while engaging creative and intelligent people building profitable shareholder returns thru the whole process. SWOT Analysis External opportunities: O1 – The recent agreement with Schering-Plough opens mo re avenues for potential growth in the fields of respiratory and infectious disease herapeutic segments. (1) O2 – Possible Cost savings of $3. 5 Billon from internal restructuring efforts beyond 2011. (1) O3 – There is a lot of potential for growth in the Diabetes and Oncology markets and Merck has made its entry into this market thru the product Januvia. O4 – Merck can add core strength to its portfolio by expanding research and innovation in the biological markets thru partners, acquisitions and joint ventures. O5 – Rapidly expanding market share in emerging markets proves to be a high potential opportunity for Merck.Emerging Markets in the Pharma Industry will take 50% Growth Credit by 2013. (2) O6- Increased opportunity for new Generic Drug products. Healthcare reform suggests cost savings and insurance industries emphasize usage of generic drugs and the expiring patents on a lot of drugs opens up opportunity for Merck to pioneer the generic drug mark et leveraging its world-class research capabilities. The total market share of the patents that will expire over 2010-2015 is 17% with a market share of $142billion. (17) O7- Pfizer’s animal health business returned a profit of $2. billion which is second to Merck and with the cancelled joint venture of Merck and Sanofi-Aventis, Merck should further pursue their concept with Novartis who are No. 5 in animal health business. This will strengthen their No. 1 position in the light of Pfizer's growing sales and the merger between J;amp;J and Eli Lilly Co in this segment. (3) External Threats: T1 – At least five of the patents are expiring in the next two years and competition is ready to introduce generic products backed by healthcare reform and this can pose a serious threat to Merck’s products and profitability.T2 – The consumer is not the one that usually makes the choice of using a particular drug. Mostly, drugs are prescribed by physicians, who sometimes lack the necessary information about relative prices. (4) T3 – The recent housing market problem, the oil prices problem and the global recession has a cascading effect on the job market and many people are unemployed losing their health insurance and forced to not being able to use medical or pharmaceutical products.If there is no sales in the pharmaceutical products, Merck can suffer financial losses and reduced returns to shareholders. T4 – The HealthCare Reform enacted in 2010 caused unanticipated losses for Merck and the effects of this Act will continue into future. These new provisions will decrease revenue and increase costs. (5) * 2010 – Costs incurred due to increased Medicaid rebates. With respect to the effect of the law on the pharmaceutical industry, the law increased the mandated Medicaid rebate from 15. 1% to 23. 1%. 2011 – An annual health care reform fee on all branded prescription drug manufacturers and importers and the requirement th at drug manufacturers pay a 50% discount on Medicare Part D utilization incurred by beneficiaries when they are in the Medicare Part D coverage also known as the ‘Donut hole’.T5 – Although not included in the health care reform law, Congress has also considered, and may consider again, proposals to increase the government’s role in pharmaceutical pricing in the Medicare program. (5) T6 –  Congress may again consider proposals to allow, under certain conditions, the importation of medicines from other countries. 5) T7 – Merck is experiencing delay in manufacturing some of its vaccines and this delay can cause a competitor to launch a product that can be manufactured quickly. Financial and Operating Performance Analysis Close Competitors Pfizer Inc. Eli Lilly and Company Ratio Analysis | 2006| 2007| 2008| 2009| 2010| Margins (% of Sales)| | | | | | Revenue| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| 100. 00%| COGS| 26. 50%| 25. 40%| 23. 40%| 3 2. 90%| 40. 00%| Gross Margin| 73. 50%| 74. 60%| 76. 60%| 67. 10%| 60. 00%| SG;amp;A| 36. 10%| 31. 20%| 30. 90%| 31. 10%| 28. 80%| R;amp;D| 21. 10%| 20. 20%| 20. 10%| 21. 30%| 23. 90%|Other| 0. 60%| 1. 40%| 4. 30%| 6. 00%| 2. 10%| Operating Margin| 15. 70%| 21. 90%| 21. 20%| 8. 70%| 5. 20%| Net Int Inc ;amp; Other| 12. 40%| -7. 40%| 20. 50%| 47. 00%| -1. 60%| EBT Margin| 27. 50%| 13. 90%| 41. 10%| 55. 80%| 3. 60%| Profitability| | | | | | Tax Rate| 28. 70%| 2. 80%| 20. 40%| 14. 80%| 40. 60%| Net Margin| 19. 59%| 13. 54%| 32. 74%| 47. 03%| 1. 87%| Asset Turnover| 0. 51| 0. 52| 0. 5| 0. 34| 0. 42| (Average)| | | | | | Return on Assets| 9. 92%| 7. 05%| 16. 34%| 16. 20%| 0. 79%| Financial Leverage (Average)| 2. 54| 2. 66| 2. 52| 1. 9| 1. 95| Return on Equity| 25. 00%| 18. 33%| 42. 27%| 33. 15%| 1. 1%| Growth| | | | | | Revenue Growth| | | | | | Year over Year| 2. 80%| 6. 90%| -1. 40%| 15. 00%| 67. 70%| 3-Year Average| 0. 20%| 1. 80%| 2. 70%| 6. 60%| 23. 90%| 5-Year Average| -13. 90%| -1 4. 10%| 1. 20%| 3. 60%| 15. 90%| 10-Year Average| 1. 30%| 0. 20%| -1. 20%| -1. 80%| 1. 30%| Operating Income| | | | | | Year over Year| -36. 00%| 49. 30%| -4. 50%| -52. 80%| -0. 70%| 3-Year Average| -24. 90%| -7. 20%| -3. 00%| -12. 30%| -23. 50%| 5-Year Average| -18. 30%| -11. 40%| -9. 60%| -18. 50%| -15. 60%| 10-Year Average| -3. 40%| -0. 70%| -2. 30%| -10. 90%| -12. 60%| EPS| | | | | | Year over Year| -3. 30%| -26. 60%| 144. 0%| 55. 20%| -95. 00%| 3-Year Average| -11. 40%| -17. 00%| 20. 10%| 40. 70%| -42. 70%| 5-Year Average| -8. 40%| -13. 90%| 4. 50%| 16. 70%| -33. 20%| 10-Year Average| 2. 60%| -2. 30%| 5. 40%| 8. 70%| -20. 90%| Cash Flow Ratios| | | | | | Operating Cash Flow Growth-YOY| -11. 10%| 3. 50%| -6. 10%| -48. 40%| 219. 00%| Free Cash Flow Growth-YOY| -6. 80%| 3. 50%| -11. 90%| -63. 40%| 373. 40%| Cap Ex as a % of Sales| 4. 30%| 4. 20%| 5. 40%| 5. 30%| 3. 60%| Free Cash Flow/Sales| 25. 56%| 24. 75%| 22. 11%| 7. 04%| 19. 88%| Free Cash Flow/Net Income| 1. 3| 1. 83| 0. 68| 0. 15| 10. 64| Liquidity/Financial Health| | | | | |Current Ratio| 1. 2| 1. 23| 1. 35| 1. 8| 1. 86| Quick Ratio| 0. 95| 0. 97| 0. 65| 1. 03| 1. 25| Financial Leverage| 2. 54| 2. 66| 2. 52| 1. 9| 1. 95| Debt/Equity| 0. 32| 0. 22| 0. 21| 0. 27| 0. 28| Efficiency| | | | | | Days Sales Outstanding| 50. 3| 52. 4| 56. 7| 69. 1| 55. 4| Days Inventory| 104. 2| 108. 5| 136. 1| 209. 2| 138. 1| Payables Period| 29. 4| 33. 3| 40. 6| 57. 8| 45. 1| Cash Conversion Cycle| 125. 1| 127. 6| 152. 3| 220. 5| 148. 4| Receivables Turnover| 7. 3| 7| 6. 4| 5. 3| 6. 6| Inventory Turnover| 3. 5| 3. 4| 2. 7| 1. 7| 2. 6| Fixed Asset Turnover| 1. 6| 1. 9| 2| 1. 8| 2. 6| Asset Turnover| 0. 5| 0. 5| 0. | 0. 3| 0. 4| Reference – (6) Key Industry Ratios Operating Profit margin 2010| MERCK| PFIZER| Eli Lilly and Company | Operating Profit margin| 5. 2| 20. 3| 28. 3| Merck had Operating Profit margin of 5. 2 OPM%. Merck Operating profit margin is low when compared to competitors; this indicates that there is scope for improving the cost structure. Net Profit margin 2010| MERCK| PFIZER| Eli Lilly and Company | Net Profit margin| 1. 87| 12. 18| 21. 97| Merck had a Net Profit margin i. e. , 1. 87 NPM%. Merck NPM is lower than its competitors. A net profit margin indicates that there is scope for improving the capital structure.Huge percentage drop when compared to 2009 (47%). Current Ratio 2010| MERCK| PFIZER| Eli Lilly and Company | Current Ratio| 1. 86| 2. 11| 2. 09| Current Ratio: Merck has Current Ratio of 1. 8, which shows that Merck may meet short-term obligations. Current Ratio 2. 0 is considered good to meet short-term financial obligations. Return on Assets 2010| MERCK| PFIZER| Eli Lilly and Company | Return on Assets| 0. 79| 4. 05| 17. 34| Return on Assets (ROA): Merck has ROA of 0. 79%, which indicates its assets are NOT at optimum their utilization. Debt/Equity Ratio 2010| MERCK| PFIZER| Eli Lilly and Company |Debt/Equity Ratio| 0. 28| 0. 44| 0. 55| Debt/equity ratio (D/E ratio ): Merck had D/E ratio of . 27, which is good. Inventory Turnover Ratio 2010| MERCK| PFIZER| Eli Lilly and Company | Inventory Turnover Ratio| 2. 6| 1. 6| 1. 6| Inventory Turnover Ratio: Merck has a 2. 6 times turnover ratio, which is good when compare to competitors. It also suggests that loss of sales as it will not have sufficient stock in hand. Revenue Growth 2010| MERCK| PFIZER| Eli Lilly and Company | Revenue Growth| 67. 7| 35. 6| 5. 7| Revenue growth: Merck Sales growth rate is 67%, Revenue growth is very good when compared to competitors.New products Isentress and Januvia sales boosted revenue. Market Share Market share: – Total Pharmacy industry share is $836 billion and Merck has $46 billion, stands one of the largest company in 2010 – 5. 5 % of Global Market. Internal Strengths S1 – Merck maintains strong financial health despite the $8. 5 billion debt needed for the acquisition. Analysts are predicting that the combined company will generate a $12 billion cash flow in 2011 which should help repay the debt quickly. (7) S2 – Majority of the blockbuster products introduced recently showed very strong sales.Especially, Januvia (diabetes), Isentress (HIV), and Gardasil. (7) S3 – Merck has strong earnings when compared to the industry. | Stock| Industry| S;amp;P 500 | Stock's 5Yr Average*| Price/Earnings| 122. 0| 17. 7| 16. 6| 40. 7| Price/Book| 1. 9| 2. 6| 2. 2| 4. 0| Price/Sales| 2. 3| 2. 6| 1. 4| 3. 5| Price/Cash Flow| 9. 8| 10. 1| 8. 5| 19. 9| Dividend Yield %| 4. 5| 3. 4| 1. 7| â€â€| S4 – Merck’s latest acquisition of Schering results in a $6 billion pipeline of drugs with the potential of multiple blockbusters and very few patent losses are expected over the next couple of years.It is predicted that the combination of the two entities should generate $3 billion plus in annual cost savings before 2011. (8) S5 – Global market presence along with production facilities. Merck operates in 120 countries with 31 factories worldwide. (9) Merck follows a unique strategy of integrated markets as below. (10) S6 – Merck is well positioned in some Emerging Markets and is showing robust growth in China and is actively searching for a partner in India. Merck has developed a separate strategy for positioning itself as numero uno in emerging markets. 11) & (12) S7- A vast diversified product portfolio in Medicines, Vaccines, Biologics, Consumer Care and Animal Health. (12) S8 – It has various patient assistance programs in U. S. to help the people who are unable to afford the medical treatment in terms of medicine if household income is less than 400% of Federal Poverty Level. (13) S9 – The firm has robust in-house research capabilities that also make it a leader in designing new medical products. Internal Weakness W1 – EPS dropped from $0. 28 from $5. 7 mainly due which reflect a net unfavorable impact resulting from the amortization of purcha se accounting adjustments, in-process research and development (â€Å"IPR&D†) impairment charges, including a charge related to the vorapaxar clinical development program, restructuring and merger-related costs, as well as a legal reserve relating to Vioxx (the â€Å"Vioxx Liability Reserve†) discussed below, partially offset by the gain recognized on AstraZeneca’s exercise of its option to acquire certain assets. (5) W2 – Singulair is Merck’s largest volume selling pharmacy product with a annual sales of $3. billion as of 2010 and this is expiring in Aug 2012. (5) On top of this, FDA announced that a potential link exists between this product and suicidal behavior. (14) W3 – Few of Merck’s late-stage pipeline products did not get approved by FDA. Following drugs did not get FDA approvals anacetrapib for atherosclerosis, cholesterol drug Tredaptive, Rolofylline for heart disease and Telcagepant for migraines. W4 – The firm faced lawsuits on Vioxx product on increased chances of heart attack and Merck Agreement Provides for $4. 85 Billion Vioxx Settlement Payment. 15) W5 – Merck settled a lawsuit with J&J for $500 million over a dispute on two anti-inflammatory records. Merck also looses marketing rights in some areas. (16) W6 – Merck’s Current ratio is 1. 8, has a limited liquidity position as compared to its competitors. W7 – Merck has minimal presence in the Generic Drug Market. External Factor Evaluation Matrix | External Factor Evaluation Matrix (EFE)|  |  |  |  | Opportunities| Weight| Rating| Weighted Score| 1. | O1 – The recent agreement with Schering-Plough opens more avenues for potential growth in the fields of respiratory and infectious disease therapeutic segments | 0. 8| 4| 0. 32| 2. | O2 – Possible Cost savings of $3. 5 Billon from internal restructuring efforts beyond 2011. | 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 3. | O3 – There is a lot of po tential for growth in the Diabetes and Oncology markets and Merck has made its entry into this market thru the product Januvia | 0. 05| 3| 0. 15| 4. | O4 – Merck can add core strength to its portfolio by expanding research and innovation in the biological markets thru partners, acquisitions and joint ventures| 0. 05| 1| 0. 05| 5. | O5 – Rapidly expanding market share in emerging markets proves to be a high potential opportunity for Merck.Emerging Markets in Pharma Industry to take 50% Growth Credit by 2013 | 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 6. | O6- Increased opportunity for new Generic Drug products through more focus on quality R&D. Healthcare reform suggests cost savings and insurance industries emphasize usage of generic drugs and the expiring patents on a lot of drugs opens up opportunity for Merck to pioneer the generic drug market leveraging its world-class research capabilities. The total market share of the patents that will expire over 2010-2015 is 17% with a market shar e of $142billion. | 0. 15| 2| 0. 30| 7. | O7- Pfizer’s animal health business returned a profit of $2. billion which is second to Merck and with the cancelled joint venture of Merck and Sanofi-Aventis, Merck should further pursue their concept with Novartis who are No. 5 in animal health business. This will strengthen their No. 1 position in the light of Pfizer's growing sales and the merger between J;amp;J and Eli Lilly Co in this segment| 0. 02| 3| 0. 06| | | | | | | Threats| Weight| Rating| Weighted Score| 1. | T1 – At least five of the patents are expiring in the next two years and competition is ready to introduce generic products backed by healthcare reform and this can pose a serious threat to Merck’s products and profitability| 0. 5| 2| 0. 30| 2. | T2 – The consumer is not the one that usually makes the choice of using a particular drug. Mostly, drugs are prescribed by physicians, who sometimes lack the necessary information about relative prices. | 0. 05| 3| 0. 15| 3. | T3 – The recent housing market problem, the oil prices problem and the global recession has a cascading effect on the job market and many people are unemployed losing their health insurance and forced to not being able to use medical or pharmaceutical products. If there is no sales in the pharmaceutical products, Merck can suffer financial losses and reduced returns to shareholders. 0. 08| 3| 0. 24| 4. | T4 – The HealthCare Reform enacted in 2010 caused unanticipated losses for Merck and the effects of this Act will continue into future. These new provisions will decrease revenue and increase costs. | 0. 08| 2| 0. 16| 5. | T5 – Although not included in the health care reform law, Congress has also considered, and may consider again, proposals to increase the government’s role in pharmaceutical pricing in the Medicare program. | 0. 03| 3| 0. 09| 6. | T6 – Congress may again consider proposals to allow, under certain conditio ns, the importation of medicines from other countries. 0. 03| 3| 0. 09| 7. | T7 – Merck is experiencing delay in manufacturing some of its vaccines and this delay can cause a competitor to launch a product that can be manufactured quickly. | 0. 03| 2| 0. 06|  | TOTALS| 1. 00|  | 2. 57| Competitive Profile Matrix Competitive Profile Matrix (CPM)| | Merck| Pfizer| Eli Lilly and Company | Critical Success Factors| Weight | Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Rating| Score| Global Expansion| 0. 10| 3| 0. 30| 3| 0. 30| 4| 0. 40| Market Penetration| 0. 06| 4| 0. 24| 4| 0. 24| 2| 0. 12| Pipeline| 0. 15| 3| 0. 45| 4| 0. 60| 2| 0. 30| Patents| 0. 8| 4| 0. 72| 3| 0. 54| 2| 0. 36| R;amp;D| 0. 17| 3| 0. 51| 4| 0. 68| 2| 0. 34| Financial Profit| 0. 05| 2| 0. 10| 3| 0. 15| 4| 0. 20| Customer Loyalty| 0. 00| 3| 0. 00| 3| 0. 00| 2| 0. 00| Market Share| 0. 08| 4| 0. 32| 4| 0. 32| 3| 0. 24| Product Quality| 0. 06| 1| 0. 06| 2| 0. 12| 2| 0. 12| Generic Drugs| 0. 15| 2| 0. 30| 3| 0. 45| 2| 0. 30 | Totals| 1. 00|  | 3. 00|  | 3. 40|  | 2. 38| * Global Expansion: Merck is in 121 countries Pfizer is in 150 countries Eli Lily is in 143 countries. * Pipeline: 94 in Pipeline for Pfizer, Lilly has 15 and 57 in Merck Pipeline excluding registration. Patents: Pfizer has 11 basic patent products and Lily has 8 basic patent products and Merck has 29 basic patent products. * Financial Profit : EPS – Lilly has EPS 4. 58 Merck has 0. 28 Pfizer has 1. 02. * Market Share : Merck has $45 billion and Pfizer has $67 and Lilly has $23 billion. * Product quality : Merck has two major lawsuits whereas Pfizer has one and Lilly has one. * Generic Drugs : Pfizer has 59 generic drugs which is more than what Merck has and what Lilly has Merck is still entering into different JVS with SUN and other pharma companies. Internal Factor Evaluation Internal Factor Evaluation Matrix (IFE)|  |  |  |  | Strengths| Weight| Rating| Weighted Score| 1. | S1 – Merck maintains stro ng financial health despite the $8. 5 billion debt needed for the acquisition. Analysts are predicting that the combined company will generate a $12billion cash flow in 2011 which should help repay the debt quickly. | 0. 05| 4| 0. 20| 2. | S2 – Majority of the blockbuster products introduced recently showed very strong sales. Especially, Januvia(diabetes), Isentress(HIV), and Gardasil. | 0. 08| 4| 0. 32| 3. | S3 – Merck has strong earnings when compared to the industry. | 0. 04| 3| 0. 12| 4. S4 Merck’s latest acquisition of Schering results in a $6 billion pipeline of drugs with the potential of multiple blockbusters and very few patent losses are expected over the next couple of years. It is predicted that the combination of the two entities should generate $3 billion plus in annual cost savings before 2011. | 0. 15| 4| 0. 60| 5. | S5 Global market presence along with production facilities. Merck operates in 120 countries with 31 factories worldwide. | 0. 06| 3 | 0. 18| 6. | S6 Merck is well positioned in some Emerging Markets and is showing robust growth in China and is actively searching for a partner in India.Merck has developed a separate strategy for positioning itself as numero uno in emerging markets. | 0. 15| 3| 0. 45| 7. | S7 A vast diversified product portfolio in Medicines, Vaccines, Biologics, Consumer Care and Animal Health. | 0. 05| 3| 0. 15| | | | | | | Weaknesses| Weight| Rating| Weighted Score| 1. | W1 EPS dropped from $0. 28 from $5. 67 mainly due which reflect a net unfavorable impact resulting from the amortization of purchase accounting adjustments| 0. 04| 2| 0. 08| 2. | W2 Singulair is Merck’s largest volume selling pharma product with a annual sales of $3. 2 billion as of 2010 and this is expiring in Aug 2012. 0. 10| 1| 0. 10| 3. | W3 Few of Merck’s late-stage pipeline products did not get approved by FDA. Following drugs did not get FDA approvals anacetrapib for atherosclerosis, cholesterol drug Tredap tive ,Rolofylline for heart disease ,Telcagepant for migraines| 0. 10| 1| 0. 10| 4. | W4 The firm faced lawsuits on Vioxx product on increased chances of heart attack and Merck Agreement Provides for $4. 85 Billion Vioxx Settlement Payment. | 0. 04| 2| 0. 08| 5. | W5 Merck settled a lawsuit with J;amp;J for $500 million over a dispute on two anti-inflammatory records. Merck also looses marketing rights in some areas. 0. 04| 2| 0. 08| 6. | W6 Merck Current ratio is 1. 8, has a limited liquidity position as compared to its competitors. | 0. 05| 2| 0. 10| 7. | W7 Merck has minimal presence in Generic Drug Market. | 0. 05| 1| 0. 05|  | TOTALS| 1. 00|  | 2. 61| Space Matrix Financial Position: * Return on Investment is Average when compare to Industry. * Leverage: Compared to the industry standard, leverage or debt equity ratio of Merck is more industry is whereas Merck is 0. 27. * Liquidity: Current Ratio is around 1. 8. Above 2. 0 is preferred to meeting Short-term obligations. * Working Capital: Working Capital is low. Cash Flow: Cash Flows for 2010 is very good which is around $9 billion. Industrial Position: * Growth Potential: Revenues are up by 67% and successful new product launches. And successful merger with Schering Plough * Financial Stability: After M;amp;A, company financially is in difficult position, but in long-term it will do better. * Ease of Entry into Market: As Merck already exists in multiple markets and different pharma domains, ease of entry into market is considered high for Merck * Resource Utilization: Merck has ROA of 0. 79%, which indicates its assets are NOT at optimum their utilization. Profit Potential: As free cash flows are high, profit potential is more. Competitive Position: * Market Share: Second in global position * Product Quality: Two products have litigations. * Customer Loyalty: Due to Voixx and other products side effects, customer loyalty became average. * Technological know-how: Getting new biotechnology and bio-p harma industry. * Control over Suppliers and Distributors: Merck has control on Suppliers and Distributors. Sustainability Position: * Rate of Inflation: Same as like other products * Technological Changes: Minimal * Price Elasticity of Demand: As more are patent products, the effect will be less. Competitive Pressure: Yes, there is lot of competition with pharma and other generic drug products. * Barriers to Entry into Market: Minimum Barriers. SWOT Matrix SO Strategies: * S5O5O6: Healthcare reform emphasizes a paradigm shift to generic drugs from branded drugs and 17% of the patented drugs are going to expire by 2015 and this is an opportunity of $142 billion and there are not a lot of market players in this segment yet. Merck can take advantage of this upcoming situation and start working on generic drugs in the pipeline to be released in the established and emerging markets.We believe Merck should be able to tap into at least $50billion by this strategy. * S4O4O1: Merck’s merger with Schering results in a $6billion of pipeline of drugs and not many patents are expiring in this set. This strategy will result in $3billion of savings before 2011. Merck should further expand their research and innovation thru joint ventures and innovations in the current, biogenetics and other potential domains and follow a market penetration strategy in current and emerging markets.Merck should further expand their research and innovation thru joint ventures and innovations in the current, biogenerics and other potential domains and follow a market penetration strategy in current and emerging markets. ST Strategies: * S6T4T1: Healthcare reform can cause major losses in the domestic market and many laws of healthcare are not yet in implementation and the result of this will continue thru 2014 and so, Merck should start expanding globally beyond its current footprint and should focus on generic drugs as a majority of the emerging markets prefer inexpensive drugs compared to branded expensive drugs.The savings here are double-edged as we minimize the effect of healthcare reform oriented costs and we expand globally and earn more before competition takes over. The potential savings by this strategy is estimated to be a minimum of $4billion in the next one year considering we have a good presence in many established and emerging markets. * S7T2: Merck should start implementing a pharmacy management program by working closely with physicians and customers to deliver a one-of-a-kind integrated specialty pharmacy in every national segment that is part of Merck's client advisory board.This pharmacy management program specifically targets specialty medications for a number of chronic conditions and helps them better understand their condition, medication side effects, and the importance of adherence. WO Strategies: * W2O6O5W7: Singuliar is a branded product of Merck the patent of which is going to expire in 2012 and Merck should equip itself by penetrating into the generic drugs market that will substitute Singuliar and Merck should rapidly expand in emerging markets and focus on improving in existing markets to position itself better for the post patent expiration loss of sale. W3O4: FDA's denial of products in research and development can setback the product development lifecycle timeline during which competition can catch up and release their own branded or generic drug and so Merck should expand its research and innovation to adopt latest technologies for quicker innovation and also use joint ventures or partners or possible acquisitions to quickly supplement its lacunae in the research areas and thereby position itself for success. WT Strategies: * T1W2: More than six of Merck's patents are expiring in the near term.The additional capacity realized upon the cessation of Singuliar manufacturing should be used for high potential drugs which will face limited competition. The high potential drugs in the pipeline approved by FDA sho uld be made ready for use for the additional capacity. * W3T3: The current recession caused by multiple problems can hit Merck's profitability and the failure of FDA approvals can cause further sunk losses in the research and development area. Merck should look into outsourcing research and development to places where it is inexpensive for research.Grand Strategy Matrix The extensive analysis of Merck suggests the first quadrant of the Grand Strategy Matrix. Merck is in a good long term strategy and should continue to pursue its strategic plans and the recommended strategies. Recommended Strategies Recommended strategy No. 1: Healthcare reform emphasizes a paradigm shift to generic drugs from branded drugs in an effort to save money for the consumers and to eliminate undue profits for the healthcare or pharma industries. 7% of the patented drugs are going to expire by 2015 and this is an opportunity of $142 billion and there are not a lot of market players in this segment yet. Merck can take advantage of this upcoming situation and start working on generic drugs in the pipeline to be released in the established and emerging markets. We believe Merck should be able to tap into at least $50billion by this strategy over the next five years with an immediate return of $15billion in the upcoming fiscal year.More research and development can be leveraged by outsourcing research and development into areas where it’s more productive for the investment. A more detailed vision of this strategy in monetary terms is presented in the next section to give the audience a perspective of how this strategy is beneficial in making Merck the number one in the industry with sustainable prosperity laying the foundation to diversify into pharmacy management program in light of the healthcare reform. Recommended strategy No. 2:Merck should start implementing a pharmacy management program by working closely with physicians and customers to deliver a one-of-a-kind integrated spe cialty pharmacy in every national segment that is part of Merck's client advisory board. This pharmacy management program specifically targets specialty medications for a number of chronic conditions and helps them better understand their condition, medication side effects, and the importance of adherence. More research and development is suggested in areas that Merck can improve upon and the excess capacity that will be obtained after Singular should be used for pipeline products.This will position Merck as a differentiator in not just health but the health and wellness industry and will form a close nexus with physicians and customers while pursuing research in the most needed areas to improve life and wellbeing as visualized in the revised mission. Projected Financial Statements Projected Income Statement| | | | | 2010| 2011| | Revenue| 45,987. 00| 62832| Around $17 bln increase due to new strategies| COGS| 18,396. 00| 21991. 2| 35% of revenue| Gross Profit| 27,591. 00| 40840. 8| | | | | | Operating Expenses $Mil| | | | SG&A| 13,245. 00| 15708| 25% of sales | R&D| 10,991. 0| 13991| allocated $3 billion more| Other| 985| 985| | Pharmacy Management| | 200| | New Market Development expense| | 300| | Operating Income| 2,370. 00| 9656. 8| | Other Income and Expense $Mil| | | | Net Int Inc & Other| -717| -717| | Earnings Before Taxes| 1,653. 00| 8939. 8| | Income Taxes| 671| 3575. 92| 40% tax| Earnings After Taxes| 982| 5543. 88| | Acctg Changes| â€â€| | | Disc Operations| â€â€| | | Ext Items| -123| -123| | Net Income| 859| 5420. 88| | Diluted EPS, Cont Ops$| 0. 28| 0. 37| | Diluted EPS$| 0. 28| 0. 37| | Shares| 3,120. 00| 3208| | | | | | Project Balance Statement| | | |Assets $Mil| | | | | 2010| 2011| | Cash and Equiv| 10,900. 00| 11500| | Short-Term Investments| 1,301. 00| 1320| | Accts Rec| 7,344. 00| 11016| 50% increase| Inventory| 5,868. 00| 7335| 25% increase| Other Current Assets| 3,651. 00| 4250| | Total Current Assets| 29,064. 00| 354 21| | Net PP&E| 17,082. 00| 19555| | Intangibles| 51,834. 00| 52544| | Other Long-Term Assets| 7,801. 00| 8022| | Total Assets| 105,781. 00| 150963| | | | | | Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity $Mil| | | | | 2010| 2011| | Accts Payable| 2,308. 00| 2828| | Short-Term Debt| 2,400. 00| 2605| | Taxes Payable| 1,243. 0| 1300| | Accrued Liabilities| 8,514. 00| 8914| | Other Short-Term Liabilities| 1,176. 00| 1220| | Total Current Liabilities| 15,641. 00| 16867| | Long-Term Debt| 15,482. 00| 18282| | Other Long-Term Liabilities| 20,282. 00| 30455| | Total Liabilities| 51,405. 00| 55604| | Total Equity| 54,376. 00| 85359| | Total Liabilities ;amp; Equity| 105,781. 00| 150963| | Projected Ratios | 2010| 2011| Debt/Equity Ratio| 0. 28| 0. 65| Return on Assets| 0. 79| 3. 59| Net Profit margin| 1. 87| 8. 6| EPS| . 28| 1. 49| Company worth Analysis Net Worth Analysis |  | |  | Stockholders Equity| $66,754,000,000 |Net Income x 5| $4,295,000,000 | (Share Price/EPS) x Net Income| $104, 429,857,143 | Number of Shares Outstanding x Share Price| $104,948,066,926 | Method Average| $70,106,731,017 | Annual Objectives: * A projected increase in sales of $18bn is to be expected for 2011 and reduction of Singuliar sales will be $3bn resulting in $15bn. * An additional expense of $3bn for research and development is assumed for 2011 as part of recommendation 2. * A new category of expenses called â€Å"Pharmacy management expenses†will appear in statement for the amortization expenses of the start up of pharmacy management. A spike in interest of $200mn should be planned for due to the loan required for pharmacy management. * The pharmacy management program is expected to yield $2bn in profits in the first year. * New market development expenses should be planned for $300mn. * Merck should plan on generating equity to the tune of $30bn in the year 2011 to meet the expenses related to increased sales. Strategic Review and Evaluation Procedures: * At the end of the y ear, Merck should compare the stated objectives with the actual data.A re-evaluation of IFE and EFE should be implemented and should be checked for variance against the current IFE and EFE. * If no major variance is observed, the same strategies can be continued thru the following year. At the same time, if the result of these strategies position Merck in a better place, few more aggressive quadrant strategies should be evaluated and considered at that moment. * In the case of a situation where a wide variance is observed from the planned strategies, corrective actions are recommended after careful evaluation of factors from all relevant dimensions to check the main cause/s of the variance.A revised vision, mission and objectives may be needed at that moment in light of the new changes in external and internal factors. * We would also like to recommend usage of a balanced scorecard to evaluate the firm from multiple dimensions and ensure the overall progress of the firm follows the trajectory. * Key performance indicators should be evaluated from time to time internally against the plans or annual objectives and with industry standards for averages to identify any needed changes to the strategy.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How to Nurture the Markets You Know
How to Nurture the Markets You Know Recently, I hung out on an online writers workshop group, and the talk traveled to diversification. My fellow  writers tried to convince me, yet again, to write for businesses and corporations. This didnt sound totally right to me. Wasnt magazine publishing a business, too? I said that, for now, I would stick to articles. The moderator, an internationally praised freelance journalist, praised my fortitude. In the end, I guessed, it was about sticking to what you know, what made you comfortable. Over the last year, I realized that sticking to good markets, like staying faithful to a good spouse, could save your life in the end. I learned to nurture the markets I knew. Like most people, I hated selling myself to strangers. Strange magazine editors, with their cold inboxes and expectations of knock-your-sock-off queries, were no exception. This realization had improved my relationships with editors. Now I feel more confident that Ill get off welfare and succeed, again, as a full-time writer. I have hope again in the â€Å"meat market†freelancer situation of 2014, where A+ authors are competing like never before with the merely very good. I always considered myself a wonderful writer, but fighting for crumbs with Columbia Journalism School grads had really depressed me. In the end, I ended up being the girl who learned that she didnt have to attract the captain of the football team, or even had to work overtime to be pretty and dateable – at least in this cutthroat market. She just had to be laid-back with unglamorous but well-paying and consistent magazine markets. Finding Faithful Markets I have three rules to finding, keeping, and nurturing markets. 1. When contacting a magazine with a query or letter of introduction, I like to deal with publications that respond quickly. For first-time assignments, I dont deal with any magazine that doesnt make a decision within two weeks. The old-style, three-month rule of New York publishing doesnt apply to most magazines currently looking for freelancers. Your market should be like a date thats TRULY interested in you. 2. I also prefer magazines that are generous with assignment information. Obviously, knowing how to create a professional article is paramount. However, I hate it when an editor leaves everything to me; possible conflicts can and often do arise. I always verify length of article, deadline, slant of article, and of course payment amount. 3. After finishing an article for a publication, if they encourage me to submit more stuff, they make me especially happy, and they go to the head of my idea queue. I admit that some publications are not pro-active. They are like the shy but good guy, and sometimes, I make the first step to maintain a good relationship. However, perpetually making the first step with markets that dont respond is a waste of time. I only have a limited time for my career. For the best use of my effort, I emphasize my work with markets that respond to me quickly, consistently, and professionally. Markets Here are five trade magazines currently looking for freelancers who deliver consistently. Minority Nurse Magazine Contact: Megan Larkin Tea Coffee Trade Journal Contact: Vanessa Facenda Vineyard Winery Management Contact: Tina Caputo Medical Economics Contact: Dan Verdon Cleveland Business Connects (CBC) Magazine Contact: Thomas Skernivitz Find out more about Behlor Email: Website: LinkedIn:
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Shrimp Treadmill - How Much it Cost Taxpayers
Shrimp Treadmill - How Much it Cost Taxpayers The famous shrimp treadmill study (video), conducted by researchers at Pacific University and College of Charleston, came under scrutiny during debates over the federal deficit and wasteful spending in 2011. Yes, the shrimp treadmill research cost taxpayers more than $3 million over the course of a decade. That includes a $559,681 grant for research into Impaired Metabolism and Performance in Crustaceans Exposed to Bacteria. But dont blame Congress, as the AARP did in a major television ad buy in 2011. The decision to fund the research actually came from the National Science Foundation. Shrimp Treadmill Grilled The AARP suggested the shrimp treadmill was but one of many examples of wasteful spending in a commercial it ran in the spring and summer of 2011, as Congress debated ways to trim the nations debt. The ad read: If Congress really wants to balance the budget, they could stop spending our money on things like a cotton institute in Brazil, poetry at zoos, treadmills for shrimp. But instead of cutting waste or closing tax loopholes, next month Congress could make a deal that cuts Medicare, even Social Security. I guess its easier to cut the benefits we earned than to cut pickle technology. AARP was not the first to cast the shrimp treadmill in a harsh light, though. About the Shrimp Treadmill Study The shrimp treadmill and National Science Foundation were initially targeted as an example of pork by U.S. Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma in 2011, though the research had begun years earlier. As a practicing physician and a two-time cancer survivor, I have a very personal appreciation for the benefits of scientific research, Coburn wrote in a report titled The National Science Foundation: Under the Microscope. Investing in innovation and discovery can transform and improve our lives, advance our understanding of the world, and create meaningful new jobs. He added, though: The theory in Washington all too often tends to be if you throw enough money at a problem, you can solve all our nations problems. But when Congress commits the nation to significant increases in spending, Congress owes it to the U.S. taxpayers to pay careful attention to how those dollars are being spent. Researchers developed the shrimp treadmill to test whether sickness would impair the mobility of the crustaceans. It remained unclear, however, what the practical impact of such research would be. Sick shrimp have more limited mobility, which may mean they are less likely to avoid being eaten. A decrease in performance may mean the difference between life and death, Scholnick was quoted as saying. About the National Science Foundation The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense†¦ Under its congressional mandate, the NSF funds fundamental research and education in all fields of science and engineering. With a budget of just over $7.5 billion in fiscal year 2017, the NSF funds about a fifth of all federally supported basic research conducted at U.S. colleges and universities. NSF funding for research is distributed through grants, and cooperative agreements to more than 2,000 colleges, universities, K-12 school systems, businesses, informal science organizations and other research organizations throughout the United States. Of the more than 48,000 competitive requests for funding it receives every year, the NSF awards about 12,000 new research grants. At the time, the NSF responded to Sen. Coburns criticism of the â€Å"Shrimp on a Treadmill†study by pointing out that the projects it funds have advanced the frontiers of science and engineering, improved Americans lives and provided the foundations for countless new industries and jobs. About the National Institutes of Health As another major source of congressionally authorized research funding, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), agency of the cabinet-level U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), bills itself as nation’s medical research agency. Currently, the NIH awards nearly $32.3billion in grants annually for medical research in support of its stated mission of seeking â€Å"fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and the application of that knowledge to enhance health, lengthen life, and reduce illness and disability.†Almost 50,000 research studies funded by NIH grants are being conducted by over 300,000 researchers at more than 2,500 universities, medical schools, and other research institutions in every state and around the world.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Three Models of Corporate Social Responsibility Assignment
Three Models of Corporate Social Responsibility - Assignment Example The proliferation of mass media and web-based information highway has increased social and environmental awareness globally in the last 20 years. The increase in democratic societies since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and crumbling of dictatorships in the developing world, has meant that many local communities previously disenfranchised, and exploited by unscrupulous business activities now have avenues for demanding greater social responsibility from corporations. The Nobel Prize-winning Economist, Milton Friedman is well known for his argument against Corporate Social Responsibility for a business organization. Friedman (1970) argues firstly that human beings having a moral responsibility for their actions, not corporations, secondly that managers have the sole responsibility to act only in the interests of shareholders and lastly the fact that social issues and problems are the proper province of the state rather than corporate managers. Crane and Matten (2004), disagree with Friedman’s premise and argue that it is crucial that the fundamental nature of the business operations is questioned. They argue that corporations have to have some sense of moral responsibility in the very same way that individuals are responsible for their actions. They are the legal responsibility of corporations that demand that businesses abide by the law, but a moral dimension also requires that they be socially and environmentally responsible. The social responsibilities they refer to includes aspects of charitable donations, the building of schools or learning centers in communities, sponsoring of arts and cultural events, as well as funding secondary and tertiary scholarships for the gifted indigent in the community they do business.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Intellectual Skills in Males and Females Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Intellectual Skills in Males and Females - Essay Example Past and current research confirms that male and female intellectual skill differences are best explained and caused by socialization, not genetics. In fact, the intellectual and Behavioural differences between the genders are not instilled at birth but are the result of society's expectations (Bates, 2007). In spite of the behavioural differences between boys and girls in their childhood, the differences become starker as they grow older. The reason for this increase in intellectual difference is exaggerated intellectual bias by society and the gendered culture. It is also worth noting that children do not inherit intellectual differences; rather, they learn these differences from society, depending on what society, community or family expects children of each gender to do or to be. Consequently, male children are observed to develop spatial skills faster than girls do. This occurrence is not innate superiority by males but arises from expectations and encouragement by society (Niki ta et al., 2010). For instance, many communities encourage boys to be strong while girls are expected to be overtly emotional and talkative. Hence, girls acquire verbal skills because of emphasis by teachers and parents. Although neuroscientists concur that girls begin speaking at an earlier age than boys do, the gap is quite tiny at childhood, contrary to the notion adopted by supporters of gender-based intellectual differences, which exaggerates this intellectual skill difference across the sexes.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
An Experience That Taught a Lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
An Experience That Taught a Lesson - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that there are many occurrences and happenings in an individual’s life. Some of these experiences are very important and tend to leave a mark on a person’s life. These experiences tend to teach a person a lifelong lesson and have a strong impact on a person’s future decisions. The author also encountered one such experience in his school life that he will never forget. This event taught him an important lesson and molded his character and laid a strong influence on his future choices and ways. This important event took place when the narrator was in sixth grade in high school and opted for cheating to complete his work. His act was caught and the researcher learned an important lesson for his entire life. When he was in sixth grade, things were not very easy and it was difficult for him to cope up with his studies. The author was not scoring very well on his class assignments. He had decided that he would work harder fo r his next assignment to improve the overall grade. But to make things worst the researcher fell sick for one week and could not attend school. This made him lag behind in his class homework and he could not complete his homework assignment. This homework assignment was very important for the author owing to the fact that it would have laid an impact on his final result. The narrator attended school on the day when the assignment was to be submitted and he asked his best friend for help.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Case Study Of Child Abuse And Neglect Social Work Essay
Case Study Of Child Abuse And Neglect Social Work Essay The following describes a case study scenario in which I am an experienced, protective services worker about to do the first home visit with a new family. It goes on to speculate what might happen, the families reactions, cultural variations and engagement tools and recommendations. While many service bureaucracies focus on a single family member as the client or patient, my site visits suggested that the needs of children in particular (and probably other family members as well) may be impossible to solve, and perhaps even to diagnose, if a programs focus is on the individual child rather than the family. In fact, programs may need to learn a great deal about the family as a whole if they are to diagnose and solve the problems of children. At the simplest level, an example is a problem for a baby that is caused by interaction between a teen mother and her own mother, the babys grandmother: [One caseworker:] Most of the grandparents will tell them, Dont hold the baby, youre going to spoil it. . . . I spend a lot of time trying to talk to grandparents. [Another caseworker:] [You] have to go back to the grandparents. These kids [the teens] all they hear is Youre stupid. I didnt do it that way. So after a while they figure, If I touch this baby, its wrong. So, Her e, momma, take it (Jones, 2004). Two examples are shown below, to illustrate more fully the way in which childrens needs are nested in a family context and intimately connected with the parents and other family members own personal well-being. The first example comes from Oklahomas Integrated Family Services (IFS) System, which serves multiproblem families: A seven-year-old boy came to the attention of a school principal because of both physical and emotional health problems. The boy had long been prone to seizures and self-destructive behavior and was just starting to threaten other children. When the principal called IFS, he found that IFS was already working with the family because the mother was on AFDC and herself had multiple problems. The IFS worker called a meeting of all of the agencies who had contact with the family to talk about the childs needs. As a result, the boy was admitted and sent to a diagnostic center for several months of testing and treatment; the mother received needed services such as mental health treatment and literacy training; and the Child Protective Services worker changed her mind about the possible outcomes for the case and concluded that the mother had the potential to be an adequate parent (Huston, 2003). In this example, the needs of the child turned out to be related to the needs of the mother and, perhaps more important for the service delivery system, part of the solution to the childs needs lay in providing services to the mother so that she could help him. According to an IFS case worker, What the child really [may] need is a mother who can cope (Herr, et al 1999). In the second example, in which meeting a childs needs again depends on an adults well-being, serving the child depends critically on the service deliverers relationship with the adult. The illustration comes from a site visitor who accompanied a case manager on a home visit: The case manager made a home visit to a young (18-year-old) mother who had suffered physical and sexual abuse as a child. During the visit, the case manager picked up and played with the young womans 8-month-old child and observed how the child responded. Then she asked the mother a specific question about her experience with the child: Did she ever feel as though she were climbing the walls and just had to get out of the house when the baby was crying? The young woman said yes, and the case manager asked what she did at such times: Was there anyone she could leave the child with so that she could go on a walk? The teen responded that either she left the baby with her friend downstairs and went for a walk, or she put the child in the crib, closed the door partway, and went into another room. The case manager seemed satisfied with these responses, and she later told the interviewer that, while she has no reason to suspect any abuse or neglect in this case, she realizes that the teen i s somewhat unstable and under great stress, so she likes to keep close watch on what is going on (Pelton, 2008). In this example, the case managers key contribution to the childs wellbeing comes through her attention to and friendship with the mother. Only the case managers strong personal relationship with the teen enabled her to keep a constant eye on the case while not being perceived by the teenager as intrusive, only the strong relationship permitted her diagnosis that the child was doing fine, and only the relationship permitted her to provide preventive services in the form of low-key advice. These links between a childs needs and the well-being of the family as a whole reinforce the conclusion that effective family service deliverers need a trusting relationship with the family and an ability to reach out across systems (Crosson, 2010; pg 12). In particular, the links between child and family well-being suggest that serving children in multiproblem families requires that the service deliverer know both child and family well and be able to reach out across the service system to help all family members. 2.) We shall now discuss the three types of preventions with examples. Many of the preventive services offered by the sites (Wolock, 1984) parenting education and support for parents ability to nurture their children-occur not through formal services but through the relationship between the family and the case manager. However, several of the sites also provide more formal services, such as support groups, classes, or workshops. For example, all three of the teen parent programs provide teen support groups that touch on parenting issues as well as other topics such as self-esteem, health and nutrition, and family planning. In addition to knowledge about parenting, these programs generally emphasize providing mothers with the warmth and support that they are seen to need in order to be warm and supportive, in turn, to their children. Some of the programs also emphasize the actual practice of new attitudes and skills in interacting with children (Herr, et al 1999). For example, in the TASA Next Step program, teen parent support groups are paired with on-s ite child care, and the sessions are planned so that mothers meet without their children for the first portion of the visit and with the children for the second. What exactly does it mean to serve children through this case management relationship? What does the relationship offer besides referral to specific, functional services like those already discussed? More generally, the family-oriented case managers in the site programs serve children by: 1 Keeping an eye on children themselves and helping families gauge how their children are doing; 2 Providing parents with support and friendship, assistance in improving important family relationships and in dealing differently with their children, and information about parenting or children; 3 Providing friendship, support, and role models for a child directly; and encouraging other service deliverers to respond more effectively to a childs needs. In several programs, case managers struggle to bring together their role in relation to a single client, such as a teen mother or a school age child, with their role in relation to the family as a whole. In these successful examples, case managers reported integrating those roles to see the child in a family context rather than advocating for one family member against another, but not all experiences were as successful. In addition, case managers operated with quite different levels of training in child development and family functioning; again, the examples illustrated in this paper show what is possible with training and, in several cases, expert backup support. 3. The following discusses the societal changes that should be made to protect children in the twenty-first century. Children who are growing up in poverty or other kinds of need are likely to come into contact with other large public agencies besides the welfare system: the public schools, community health clinics or city hospitals, and, perhaps, sadly, the states child protective services agency. What are the implications of the findings presented here for the other large public agencies that see poor children and families? To put the question slightly differently, what principles would we apply to each system if we wanted to create a coherent network of services to children? While this study was not designed to investigate other service systems in any detail, the research sites do suggest several intriguing speculations (Crosson, 2010). First, other agencies besides the welfare department can and should consider what it means to be two-generational. As the research sites and the evidence of other researchers suggest, family needs are often intertwined, whereas the services offered by many of the large systems are limited to a single family member (Jones, 2004). A number of program examples from the site visits and other sources illustrate what it means for service providers other than the welfare department to be two-generational in their focus: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The PACE program in Kentucky, with its combination of adult literacy and preschool education operates within the public schools. In addition to offering two-generational services to families that are directly enrolled in PACE, the program director sees PACE as a vehicle for changing the thinking of the public schools toward a greater inclusion of parents and other family members. Child protective services workers in several of the research sites found that working with intensive case managers helped them appreciate the demands on parents that made it difficult for the latter, in turn, to respond to the needs of the child. This insight lies behind a variety of family support and family preservation programs now being deployed as part of the child welfare services continuum in a number of states. The aim of these programs is to offer services to both parent and child to improve family functioning and enable the child to stay in the home (Wolock, 1984). Visiting nurse programs enable health care providers to see parents and children together and serve the whole family. Maternal and child health clinics with other collocated services also offer the opportunity to meet the needs of several family members. In several locations in New England, Head Start programs are planning or already operating programs jointly with education and training programs for mothers on welfare. These programs include cooperative projects with vocational high schools and with a community training agency. The ways in which welfare agencies have overcome these barriers may well offer insights to other agencies (Jones, 2004). For example, welfare agencies at the successful sites have overcome the limitations of their initial mandate by developing a clear and sustainable mission that makes dear why services to children and families are part of the welfare agencys job. In order to expand services, schools, health clinics, and child protective services agencies may similarly need to articulate connections between an initial, narrower mission and the broader, family-centered mission that they would like to achieve (Crosson, 2010). Thus, schools may conclude that they cannot teach children without a collaborative rel ationship with parents, that they cannot teach children without addressing the problems that keep them from being ready to learn, or that they cannot teach teen mothers effectively without addressing their roles as parents as well as students. Child protective services agencies may conclude that functions such as enhancing family stability and averting foster care are more effective over the long run than providing after-the-fact treatment. 4.) Discuss the key similarities and the differences between the residual effects of neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. What implications does this knowledge have for future prevention, intervention and treatment efforts? While both formal and informal services at the sites are geared to preventing child abuse and neglect, program case managers sometimes find that they need to take stronger, more drastic measures to ensure a childs safety and well-being. Case managers in a number of the programs call on child protective services workers for informal consultation and help when they are worried about a family, and several said that they had made child protective referrals (hotlined a family) at least once (Pelton, 2008). The informal consultation appears to go both ways: Child protective services workers in several locations reportedly ask the site case managers to keep an eye on families which they worry about but cannot serve themselves, given their caseload of even more urgent crises. The worker must be able to cross professional boundaries to meet a wide variety of family needs. In order to serve the child, he or she must also develop a relationship with the whole family, since the childs well-being is often intimately bound up with the well-being of other family members. No agency attempting to move in a two-generational direction should expect the change to be easy (Wolock, 1984). Many of the obstacles experienced by welfare agencies apply just as forcefully to the other large service systems for poor children and families. For example, difficulties of mission plague both schools and child welfare agencies that consider reaching out to parents, just as they hamper welfare agencies that consider reaching out to children. In the school setting, teachers, administrators, and elected overseers may worry that a mission of academic excellence will be compromised by too much attention to the multiple needs that children and their families bring into the classroom. For child welfare agencies, the conflict is even more stark: In an agency whose mission is to protect children, many of whom are in urgent danger, how can it be legitimate to pay comparable attention to their parents? Similarly, each system suffers isolation from other service deliverers and lack of expertise in the multiple problems of families. Each experiences its own set of demands on workers and on the organization as a whole, demands that must be balanced against the needs of families in any successful solution.
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